Tuesday, September 13, 2011

October 28th

October 28th is my surgery date!

To be honest, I'm really not that frustrated; yes, it is 6 weeks out, but considering there are only 7 days in that time where the surgeon performs this particular surgery (on Fridays), I will have to say it could be MUCH worse. On October 26 I will undergo a lot of pre-op appointments to prepare for the surgery and learning everything I need to know for my hospital stay and probably some afterward. 

In the mean time, I'm chilling out. I got a cortisone shot last week to help with the pain. It has been touch and go, but overall I am having more significant pain relief. I also got a pathology report yesterday saying that my current meds are safe for any pre-op or post-op medications to help alleviate the pain.

I apologize I did not post sooner. I've just been aggravated about the surgery and really don't want to think about it. I'm so scared and want it to go smoothly. I've been praying for patience and calm, cause I know panic will be relatively useless. Also have been crazy busy with school! TWO CLASSES LEFT!! I'm waiting to hear if I can my appeal approved to start my last class early, so I don't have to deal with it in the middle of surgery. I really don't want to do a capstone in the middle of surgery/pain/hospitalization. I'm sure my writings would sound DRUGGED!!!!!

I'll try to update with something more fun tomorrow :).... like about getting my first information packet from a graduate program and a letter from my Compassion child!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Today is the Day

Today is the day
The Lord has made;
Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Pslam 118:24

Well, I'm at September 6; the BIG day... to find out when my surgery is, I hope. I have been waiting for two and a half months in pain, out of work for almost two, and stuck at home for the better part of the summer. As difficult as this particular journey has been, I know God won't let this opportunity go to waste and I have to do what I can in the mean time. My friend reminded me that no matter what, God won't abandon me and is with me.

If you can pray, pray that they can get the process moving along quickly. I feel like I've missed out on too much of my life and want to get back into it happy and willing to live my life. Pray that the pain is minimal, and pray that my anxiety will be manageable.

45 minutes to go....

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Blessings and Prayers

I'm sorry I haven't updated a lot. I really haven't done much in the last few weeks outside of being in the house, and I'm relatively sure you don't want to hear about my continuous pain! (To be perfectly honest, I'm pretty sick of it myself). I've found that finding happiness in the small things really is my best medicine. The more I focus on the pain, the more (as my boyfriend says) 'owly' I get. Factor in additional female problems and I feel like a monster!

Here are my blessings from the last week:
-I GOT MY TOENAILS PAINTED (yes, that really makes me that happy)
-Had lunch at my voice teachers house, had two little kids love on me, and watched Tangled
-Got to see a friend from out of town
-Got to chat with an old church friend about her hip surgery and what she went through
-My boyfriend is coming over to watch the Twilight Saga (per HIS suggestion <3)
-Got a new flexible ice pack

Right now it seems like my friends are few, but I'm at a rough age where many of us are really busy. People have been helping when they can and it sounds like many will try to visit me when I'm in the hospital. That will be very pleasant, as social interaction probably helps/relieves the pain more than any methods I can try for myself. 

My appointment with my new surgeon is on Tuesday. My dad and my boyfriend will accompany me, as they will likely be my primary caretakers in the weeks following surgery for recovery. Dad doesn't think it's quite as necessary for the boyfriend to follow, but I'd rather try not to third party any information that my boyfriend needs to know for the time being. Plus, it's additional comfort as I'm terrified about what information the appointment will bring (can't really snuggle my dad, haha!).

If you can send prayers, these are my current requests:
-Short wait for surgery (preferably before October)
-Minimal pain until surgery
-Approval of short term disability pay through work
-A good attitude no matter what happens

I hope that everything works out ok. Tuesday will be a crazy day; start of a new class, must contact work, call friends and family with more information, and work out any preparation details prior to surgery. And of course, I'll make sure I put additional updates on here :).